Getting yourself back: treating the effects of sexual violence

Getting yourself back: treating the effects of sexual violence
Getting yourself back: treating the consequences of sexual violence and harassment

At the end of 2017, the loud confessions of famous women that they were victims of sexual violence and harassment shocked the whole world. The hashtag #metoo instantly went viral. The scandalous stories of women and men who have been abused not only exposed their abusers, but also started a worldwide movement to support victims of sexual violence and harassment.

And here's why it matters. Victims of sexual violence go through a tremendous traumatic experience. Outwardly, it may not manifest itself in any way. However, shame, terror, guilt, feeling like your body doesn't belong to you, and self-loathing are constant companions of a rape victim. Many women and men who have been raped blame themselves, not the rapist. Knowing that they are not the only ones who have experienced violence becomes a lifeline, restoring victims' self-confidence, helping them cope with negative, dark thoughts, and in some cases, even preventing suicide.

However, the support of loved ones and society is not always enough to solve the problem. Sexual violence and harassment lead to the development of mental disorders that require treatment in a clinic under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

Consequences of sexual violence and harassment

Victims of sexual violence and harassment often suffer from mental health disorders: DepressionThe victim of abuse or harassment experiences feelings of hopelessness and despondency. Depression ranges from mild and fleeting to intense and debilitating.

Anxiety: Feelings of anxiety have no clear source. For survivors of sexual assault, anxiety can manifest itself in the fear that the assault will happen again. Agoraphobia can develop against this backdrop - victims are afraid to leave the house. Many victims suffer from panic attacks, symptoms of physical anxiety or chronic fear of the person who harmed them.

Post-traumatic stress.disorder (PTSD) is characterized by anxiety, depression, and persistent memories of the rape. PTSD, especially in children can lead to personality disorders.Post-traumatic stress.

Personality disorders. A disorder called borderline personality has been linked by clinicians to sexual assault. For exaPersonality disorders. mple, one characteristic of borderline personality is the fear of being abandoned.

Attachment disorder. This problem is mostly faced by people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Such people may struggle with intimacy or may be too eager to form close attachments.

Addiction. People who survived childhood abuse are 26 times more likely to use drugs (Herman Sasser's study, Struening and Link , 1997).

Triggers. Stimuli that remind the victim of the abuse are called "triggers." For example, a rape victim whose rapist chewed gum may recall the incident and experience negative emotions from the smell of peppermint.

Treating the effects of sexual violence and harassment in Switzerland

Although sexual assault is a traumatic, life-changing experience, recovery is possible. An experienced, empathetic therapist can help you deal with the aftermath of the abuse and restore your confidence and sense of calm. Dr. Claudia Elsig specializes in psychotraumatology, including the treatment of childhood and adult sexual abuse trauma. Dr. Elsig has been practicing psychiatry and psychoanalysis for over 20 years. Of these years, Dr. Elsig spent 4 years supervising a special clinical hypnosis board at a private clinic in Zurich.

In 2004, Dr. Elsig founded the private psychiatric clinic CALDAThe clinic is considered one of the best VIP psychiatric clinics in Switzerland. CALDA uses a unique method of integrative medicine for the treatment of mental disorders. During treatment in the clinic they pay great attention to the restoration of biochemical processes in the body.

Individual approach, as well as innovative approach to the treatment of traumas allows the CALDA team to quickly achieve the set goal. After treatment at the clinic, an individual rehabilitation plan is drawn up for the patient.

The solution to a problem is action

Although the world has begun to actively discuss the issue of rape and harassment, the rate of reporting it to the police remains low, with only 32 percent of victims reporting the incident. Rape myths still make many victims feel isolated and guilty.

It is dangerous to be alone with your pain. The best solution is to confide in an experienced therapist. The therapist will guarantee anonymity, help you cope with the problem and regain control over your body and mind