Professor Zayler Clinic
Клиника Профессора Зайлера (Klinik Professor Sailer) относится к ведущим специализированным центрам, работающим в области хирургии лица, челюсти и полости рта, реконструктивной и корректирующей хирургии, а также занимающимся проблемами храпа и апноэ во сне.
Main Areas of Expertise | Professor Sailer Clinic:
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Dentistry
- Dysgnathia
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Facial Feminization
- Infections
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Tumors
«Our services in both aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery are always aimed at achieving the optimal balance between aesthetic improvements and functional benefits.
I would be delighted to welcome you to my clinic.»Professor Hermann F. Sailer
Professor Zayler, the founder and chief physician of the clinic, is among the most experienced specialists in the world in the field of facial surgery. Over the past 30 years, he has successfully performed thousands of complex surgeries at the University Hospital in Zurich and in his private clinic.
Beauty and Excellence.
Professor Sailer's clinic boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, a department for intensive care, several operating rooms, and a dental department meeting the highest standards in implantology and dental technology.
- Aesthetic Surgery.
- Dentistry.
- Dysgnathia.
- Temporomandibular Joints.
- Feminization of Facial Features.
- Infections.
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea.
- Reconstructive Surgery.
- Tumors.