Genolier Clinic presents a new isokinetic device for effective rehabilitation

Genolier Clinic presents a new isokinetic device for effective rehabilitation
The Genolier presents a new isokinetic device for effective rehabilitation

This device helps to assess the strength of muscles and joints in the upper and lower extremities. It also measures their evolution at different stages of rehabilitation. The main advantage of this device is that it helps the doctor to decide on the resumption of physical and sports activity of the patient.

This device is the only dynamometer capable of measuring moments of force, maximum strength, and muscle imbalances, which often accompany sports pathologies.

Изокинетическое устройство для эффективной реабилитации

Isokinetic device in action

  • Provides important information in situations where prostheses are installed, as well as during diagnostics.
  • The method is an additional practice during diagnostics, as well as during professional physiotherapy.
  • Provides more reliable data for the identification of hidden muscle deficits and identifies muscle imbalances during preliminary diagnostics.
What is isokinetics?

This device is a multi-isokinetic rotational dynamometer designed for the assessment, rehabilitation, and recovery of muscles, peripheral joints, and the spine.

The dynamometer provides an assessment of dynamic muscle strength. The principle of self-adaptive resistance allows us to offer rehabilitation protocols that are optimized in safe conditions.

The isokinetic ergometer is used for all types of injuries or pathologies of the upper body of the athlete with neuralgia.

Objective and accurate assessment of muscle strength in patients helps to identify potential deficits or imbalances, neurological or muscle problems, and also to show how rehabilitation machines can correct or improve the situation in the most appropriate way.