Otolaryngology in Switzerland is a whole range of services for the treatment and diagnosis of pathologies of the ear, throat and nose. Medical procedures are carried out in the best private Swiss clinics, the most famous of which in this field are considered to be Bethanien Private Clinic and Clinique Générale.
Otolaryngology surgery assesses hearing abilities, as well as the senses of balance, smell, and taste using complex methods to provide an accurate diagnosis. Otolaryngological disorders are treated through medical or surgical means.
Преимущества отоларингологии в Швейцарии:
CorSwiss also offers treatment of otolaryngological diseases by one of Switzerland's leading specialists in this field, Professor Stefan Schmid, который практикует в частной Klinik Bethanien. Many years of co-operation with the Professor leave us in no doubt about the quality and professionalism of his work.
We offer:
Our advantages:
Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, for which the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination. Microsurgery makes it possible to replace ear ossicles or repair a perforated eardrum. The clinics of the GSMN network bring together everything necessary in various fields to provide patients with a comprehensive and individualised programme.