Orthodontics is a section specializing in problems of correcting the bite and shape of teeth. It is one of the most time-consuming types of treatment.
Pediatric orthodontists working in Swiss clinics do their best to ensure that the patients who visit them get the best possible results.
The main section of dentistry is, of course, therapeutic dentistry, which includes a subsection of pediatric therapeutic dentistry, since the treatment of pediatric diseases has its own specificity.
Children's dentistry is mainly specialized in such operations as plastic frenulas of the lips and tongue, which allow children to form the correct bite. It should be noted that modern pediatric dental surgery uses the method of inhalation anesthesia.
Dental treatment in children is quite specific. Therefore, all types of dental treatment of young patients are grouped into one large block - pediatric dentistry.
Its task is to prevent and treat baby teeth and control the development of the bite. The duties of a pediatric orthodontist also include psychological preparation of children, teaching the rules of hygiene and brushing teeth.
The most common problems in children:
Common respiratory diseases that make nasal breathing difficult. If a child breathes through the mouth most of the time, the upper jaw is irregularly shaped, which blocks the growth of the lower jaw and creates an improper bite.
Early removal of baby teeth without permanent teeth erupting. Teeth are always looking to fill the empty space of the tooth row, so a special appliance must be placed to preserve the space of the deciduous teeth.
Simply put, the deciduous tooth must fall out by the time the formed molars emerge. If a baby tooth has been extracted due to decay or disease, the molars will not immediately take its place. In such a situation, the free space in place of the baby tooth will be occupied by other teeth, which will shift, deforming the row.
Tasks of a pediatric orthodontist
Do not think that a visit to the orthodontist inevitably ends with the installation of braces. Not many people are aware of what is known as hardware-free treatment. This can include massaging your gums, getting rid of bad habits like sucking on things or biting your lips. An orthodontist also treats tooth decay, removes uneven teeth, and even corrects posture. These techniques are often used for very young patients.
Prevention tips for young patients:
Teeth need to be cared for - brushed properly and every day;
It is important to watch the diet (reduce the intake of sweets if necessary);
It is also important to treat baby teeth to keep them in place for a while;
It will be correct to get rid of bad habits of sucking or chewing in childhood, to breathe properly through the nose and not through the mouth and to do special exercises - myogymnastics.
The main role of a pediatric orthodontist is to detect problems of improper bite in a child at an early stage and prevent the development of serious problems of the teeth and jaw.
How to choose a dental clinic
It is important to take a serious approach to choosing a clinic and a pediatric orthodontist. In order not to make a mistake with the choice it is worth paying attention to the following points:
qualification of the doctor - it is important that the doctor specializes in children's dentistry.
cost - a specialist cannot have a lower than average price for services, but you should not look for clinics with high prices, as the ratio of prices and services provided may not meet your expectations.
equipment - the equipment of the dental clinic must be modern and high quality equipment and techniques.