Drug dependence - is a disease resulting from the systematic abuse of psychoactive substances. It is important to distinguish between drug addicts and those who use drugs but are not addicted. These people are called drug users. Similarly, not all people who use alcohol are alcohol dependent.
The reason for developing drug dependence is the constant use of drugs.
What is on the list of banned substances:
Drugs that are forbidden in medical practice. These are heroin, lysergic acid, cannabis and others.
Drugs whose use is prohibited in medical practice - poppy, hemp, cannabis, marijuana, marijuana, hashish.
Drugs used in medical practice - codeine, cocaine, morphine, etc.
As a rule, drug addiction develops along the following lines:
The adolescent begins to use drugs while under the influence of a certain narcological society;
Unreasonable prescription of drugs by a doctor;
Self-medication with psychotropic drugs.
Common signs of drug addiction:
Sudden changes in behavior. Drug use does not make a person the same as before: more aggressive, often "in a panic". Or, on the contrary, excessively calm - even to serious difficulties does not react. Although teenagers can usually change their behavioral style dramatically because of a teenage crisis, sometimes it can be an initial wake-up call.
Making new friends that the person is reluctant to disclose anything about.
The use of words previously absent from the vocabulary.
Disruption of sleep and wakefulness. A person may experience insomnia due to stimulant use for many days after taking opiates.
Appetite disturbances. For example, a person consumes a lot of sweets or refuses to eat (which is a symptom of psychostimulant use).
A sudden increase in spending for unknown needs. If your child has started asking for more money and won't say for what, or if you notice a loss of valuable items in the house, think about it.
Eye changes. Dilated or constricted pupils, a change in gaze, and the appearance of an unhealthy glow or "haze" in the eyes are all symptoms of drug abuse and addiction.
Changes in body weight. Stimulant addicts are usually too thin (lose weight in a short period of time).
The main complications are:
Social degradation of personality
Mental disorders, including the onset of schizophrenia
Failure of some organs
Trauma to all internal organs with the development of their failure.
First of all, all tests are carried out to understand how much the body has been affected by illegal drugs. Measures are taken to return him to normal life: drug rehabilitation programs.
Then social workers, psychologists, narcologists and psychotherapists work with patients. Their main goal is to eliminate the psychological cause of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to completely plunge into the personal life and mental state of the patient.
In rehabilitation centers, daily group sessions are held: conversations, art therapy, anti-stress classes. Surrounded by people struggling with addiction, the patient gets additional motivation.
Keep in mind that treatment does not stop after rehabilitation. It is very important to continue it in the family, at home. The patient can always go to the psychologist or call him. The patient's family and friends should form a positive climate that prevents relapse.