Coronavirus is an acute viral illness primarily affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
The current pandemic is caused by the Covid-19 virus, with the first cases reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
Symptoms of the Infection:
High body temperature, chills, headache, weakness, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, and conjunctivitis.
In some cases, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur.
Complications, such as viral pneumonia, can rapidly worsen, leading to respiratory failure within 24 hours. Seeking immediate medical assistance at the onset of symptoms can help alleviate the severity of the condition.
What to Do if a Family Member is Ill:
Contact a doctor; avoid self-medication.
Ideally, designate a separate room for the sick person or maintain a distance of at least 1 meter.
Ensure regular ventilation of the space.
When caring for the sick, cover the mouth and nose with a mask or other protective gear (such as a tissue or scarf).
Covid-19 in Individuals 60 Years and Older:
Individuals aged 60 and above, especially those with endocrine and respiratory conditions, should strictly adhere to self-isolation at home.
Symptoms in older individuals may include fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing.
Self-isolation is considered the most reliable preventive measure for the elderly, requiring staying at home, avoiding all contacts, and, if living with relatives, being placed in a well-ventilated separate room.
Preventive Measures:
Wear gloves and remove them carefully. Wash hands thoroughly with soap or use a hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol.
Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
Change masks frequently; do not reuse disposable masks, and dispose of them immediately after use.
Remove the mask after ending contact with a sick person and wash hands promptly.
Properly wear masks in crowded places, public transport, and when caring for the sick, but it is not recommended outdoors.
Mask Usage Guidelines:
Attach the mask securely, covering the mouth and nose without leaving gaps.
Avoid touching the mask's surface when removing it. Wash hands with soap or alcohol after touching.
Change masks regularly;
do not reuse disposable masks;
dispose of used ones immediately.
When caring for a patient, the mask should be removed immediately after contact with the ill person has ceased. Wash hands thoroughly immediately after removing the mask.
The mask is appropriate in a crowded place, on public transportation and when nursing, but is not recommended outdoors. На улице хорошо дышать свежим воздухом и не надевать маску.
Preventive Practices to Avoid Infection:
Wash hands regularly with soap or use hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from others.
Stay home as much as possible and avoid large gatherings. Despite most people recovering without complications, the increased strain on the healthcare system may hinder assistance to those in need.